Downtown Los Angeles to Davis
Reinvent Yourself:
Discover the Rewards of a University of Life Degree
First Generation College Students
Various students that come from low income neighborhoods are typically the first in their families to attend college. This already leaves them at a disadvantage because they do not have too much help from that end.
Coming From Corrupted Neighborhoods
Coming from neighborhoods like this most of the students don't know what college is going to be like, so while everyone else seems fine these students are struggling fending for themselves trying to cope with an entire new world. This section reveals the reality of what individuals go through growing up in these corrupted communities.
Historical Background of South Los Angeles
Low income neighborhoods are not always considered to be "good" neighborhoods. Such neighborhoods contain more bad aspects and few good ones.
Low Income Students Learning How to Navigate College
Coming from schools that provide little resources, low income students often have great trouble when it comes to navigating college.
Personal Experiences As First Generation College Students
Being first generation students ourselves, we have faced many struggles. College is not an easy task to take on when being a first generation.
Helpful Resources at UC Davis that Help with Transition
UC Davis provides its students with numerous of resources that help with the transition from either high school or community college.